Hope For Humanity

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Monique Sokhan
Monique Sokhan survived the Cambodian genocide, having fled the Khmer Rouge terror when she was just a small child. Now, working as Senior Protection Coordinator, at UNHCR’s Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, she is still searching for answers about the atrocities that killed many of her family members. “It’s difficult because you’re wondering why others have died and you’re alive. And for those who did not survive […] I felt like having a responsibility somehow to do something that would make them proud of me.” Dedicating her life to humanitarian work, Monique soon found herself face to face with the very people who were responsible for killing her own family and friends.

Dr. Ramiz Alakbarov
When thousands fled the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, Dr. Ramiz Alakbarov, fearing the loss of millions of lives, stayed on. Every day since he has fought to ease the acute suffering of its people. “I believe we are the last, best hope that humanity has. And we have to stand for it.” More than 9 in 10 Afghans now live in poverty, with 24.4 million reliant on humanitarian aid. Meanwhile, mounting restrictions on freedoms have excluded millions of women from work and study. “That provisional shelter and biscuit will save your life today. But without education, health services, jobs, or income, you will run, you will join a radical group, and you will eventually end up selling children, and organs.”

Sara Beysolow Nyanti
Sara Beysolow Nyanti migrated to South Sudan, a country ravaged by recurring violence, where she encountered the anguish of those bearing the psychological scars of war. “This woman [told me] talked about losing her four children and she said it without crying. My heart was crying while she was speaking. I couldn’t bear it.” Reeling from decades of conflict, South Sudan is now suffering the devastating impacts of climate change. Floods have hit many areas, forcing locals to share dry land with deadly snakes. “How can I not have sleepless nights when you have to choose whether you fund the services for food, because, for some children, it’s only that one meal in school that they have all day.”
Refugee Served